Plein Air - realistic oil painting with Julia Bauernfeind

Do., 20.06.2024 bis So., 23.06.2024

4 days

Thu 11 am to 6 pm, Fri & Sat 9 am to 5 pm, Sun 9 am to 3 pm; including lunch break

Naturpark Pöllauer Tal

Beginners, advanced

Workshop description:

The enchanting landscape of the Pöllau Valley Nature Park and especially the castle park in Pöllau will be our inspiration when painting outdoors. We will immerse ourselves in the expressive world of oil colours and create an individual spectrum of our colour ideas by mixing radiant, pure or neutral tones.

Just as the Impressionists once knew how to depict fleeting moments, we will also interpret what we see and feel over the four days of this workshop, from the grandiose panorama to the most intimate detail. Natural still lifes from the lavishly rich flora of the Pöllau Valley will inspire us just as much as the architectural intricacies of the picturesque baroque town of Pöllau.

We use the variety of motifs to interpret them individually. Depending on ability and personal preference, different stages of abstraction can be explored and freely lived out. The workshop is of course also ideal for newcomers to oil painting. As always, experienced landscape painters will take home new ideas and detailed insights.

Depending on your wishes, we can also create your own still lifes, self-portraits or work from photographs.

Language is German and English

Please bring along:

As many, different sized, primed canvases as possible or laminated canvases on cardboard or canvas blocks (40 x 50, 50 x 60 cm), acrylic paint: burnt sienna, white watercolour pencil, painting scraps, paper roll, painting spatula, adhesive tape, deer soap, small, empty jar with lid, painter's coat, disposable palettes or glass palette (old picture frame, ideally at least 40 x 50 cm) with razor blade scraper, turpentine oil, brushes in different sizes

Oil colours: titanium white, light cadmium yellow, scarlet varnish (red), alizarin crimson, light ochre, natural sienna, burnt sienna, umber, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, sap green, yellow green, mauve, ivory black. Those who wish can also work with acrylic and watercolour paints, please bring the appropriate materials.

The course instructor will also be happy to provide the oil colours for interested beginners for a fee.


€ 440,-

Biography:Julia Bauernfeind, born in Klagenfurt, lived in the USA for ten years, where she studied graphic design, illustration and painting at California State University Long Beach. Since graduating with a Master of Fine Arts, the freelance artist has lived and worked in Graz.

Fotos (c): Julia Bauernfeind

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